Lunes a viernes 8:00 โ€“ 13:30, 16:00 โ€“ 19:00

Polรญgono Industrial La Redonda – 04710 Santa Marรญa del Aguila – El Ejido โ€“ Almerรญa (SPAIN)

Informaciรณn de producto

Our 750mm rod cutter is a tool widely used by farmers and greenhouse builders to cut metal materials such as wires, rods, wire mesh, etc. It has steel blades and a handle with rubber grips for easy cutting.

This tool weighs approximately 4kg and has a cutting capacity of up to 13mm.

Especificaciones tรฉcnicas

Additional information

Weight 4,5 kg



60,00 mรกs IVA

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Informaciรณn de producto

Our 750mm rod cutter is a tool widely used by farmers and greenhouse builders to cut metal materials such as wires, rods, wire mesh, etc. It has steel blades and a handle with rubber grips for easy cutting.

This tool weighs approximately 4kg and has a cutting capacity of up to 13mm.

Especificaciones tรฉcnicas

Additional information

Weight 4,5 kg


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