Lunes a viernes 8:00 โ€“ 13:30, 16:00 โ€“ 19:00

Polรญgono Industrial La Redonda – 04710 Santa Marรญa del Aguila – El Ejido โ€“ Almerรญa (SPAIN)

Informaciรณn de producto

“H” PROFILE 5.0m, These profiles have the necessary measures for the construction of your greenhouse and achieve, through these, to hold the meshes or plastics in position, allowing an easy fix of them in case of breakage or simple change by season or deterioration. This profile is very versatile, allowing even – for better use – the fixing of plastic on one side and / or mesh or other coating on the other. It allows, in this way, to greatly reduce costs in certain installations. To fix the plastic with this profile, the PVC CLIP is used, which is made up of 2 elements, both placed on the plastic (a base and a wedge that presses). For purchases of less than 50 profiles, the bars are sent cut (2 , 5 m. Each) to lower the cost of transport. In any case, you can consult our commercial department.

Especificaciones tรฉcnicas

Additional information

Weight 7 kg



17,50 mรกs IVA

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Informaciรณn de producto

“H” PROFILE 5.0m, These profiles have the necessary measures for the construction of your greenhouse and achieve, through these, to hold the meshes or plastics in position, allowing an easy fix of them in case of breakage or simple change by season or deterioration. This profile is very versatile, allowing even – for better use – the fixing of plastic on one side and / or mesh or other coating on the other. It allows, in this way, to greatly reduce costs in certain installations. To fix the plastic with this profile, the PVC CLIP is used, which is made up of 2 elements, both placed on the plastic (a base and a wedge that presses). For purchases of less than 50 profiles, the bars are sent cut (2 , 5 m. Each) to lower the cost of transport. In any case, you can consult our commercial department.

Especificaciones tรฉcnicas

Additional information

Weight 7 kg


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