Lunes a viernes 8:00 โ€“ 13:30, 16:00 โ€“ 19:00

Polรญgono Industrial La Redonda – 04710 Santa Marรญa del Aguila – El Ejido โ€“ Almerรญa (SPAIN)

Informaciรณn de producto

The “U” profile for Greenhouses has a 30mm base. It is used in conjunction with the zigzag wire, being the most economical solution for fixing the mesh and plastics to the structure of your greenhouse. This type of profiles allow a quick change of plastics in the greenhouse due to breakage, deterioration or change of season. For purchases of less than 50 profiles, the bars are sent cut (2.5 m. Each) In any case, you can consult our commercial department.

Zig-zag wire not included in the profile.

Especificaciones tรฉcnicas

Additional information

Weight 4 kg



7,50 mรกs IVA

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Informaciรณn de producto

The “U” profile for Greenhouses has a 30mm base. It is used in conjunction with the zigzag wire, being the most economical solution for fixing the mesh and plastics to the structure of your greenhouse. This type of profiles allow a quick change of plastics in the greenhouse due to breakage, deterioration or change of season. For purchases of less than 50 profiles, the bars are sent cut (2.5 m. Each) In any case, you can consult our commercial department.

Zig-zag wire not included in the profile.

Especificaciones tรฉcnicas

Additional information

Weight 4 kg


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